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About PaxelMarket

PaxelMarket is a marketplace portal that is managed by Paxel for the convenience of shopping or selling a variety of local snack products and other products made by Indonesia SME's and retailers, ranging from Local and Contemporary snacks directly from their hometown, health and beauty products, and equipment for packaging needs. .

PaxelMarket has several advantages, i.e:

Safe Food Guarantee, is the latest feature from Paxel that ensures your food delivery can arrive properly for you to enjoy.

Frozen food handling, Paxel provides freezer or chiller facilities at the Paxel Point transit location and refrigeration trucks with temperatures of -2 to 5 degrees Celsius so that your frozen food orders are well preserved.

Supporting local SMEs, by shopping at PaxelMarket, you also support hundreds of local SME's that are connected to you by selling their products at PaxelMarket.

FLAT delivery starting from 15K *, you can get FLAT ONGKIR of all your purchases at PaxelMarket with rates starting from Rp 15.000 to Jawa-Bali.

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